
Monday, December 11, 2017

Tsunami Rock ... aka Tolo ʻA Maui

A line of massive boulders on the western shore of Tonga may be evidence of the most powerful volcano-triggered tsunami found to date. Up to 30 feet high and weighing up to 3.5 million pounds, the 7 coral boulders are located 300-1300 feet from the coast.

These boulders were likely flung ashore by a wave rivaling the 1883 Krakatau tsunami, which is estimated to have towered 115 feet high. 

Elder Thomson to the left gives an idea of the size.
The boulders are made of the same reef material found just offshore. In fact, satellite photos show a clear break in the reef opposite the boulder Tsunami Rock.

Tsunami rock in the village of Kalaʻau in Tongatapu has a mythical link to demigod Maui. Legend has it that Maui was angrily awoken by crowing of his father's rooster and he tried to kill it. The frightened fowl escaped from 'Eua to Tongatapu, but Maui kept hurling rocks at it.  He then hurled this huge stone and killed the bird.

We stopped to see Tsunami Rock on our way snorkeling Saturday, our P-Day. It truly is astonishing to think of the power of the wave to have hurled this HUGE rock so far inland. We actually drove down to the beach further down the road. It was quite a ways, maybe half a km. We could also see the opening in the reef where it is believed the rock once was.


  1. I do not know about Maui but when Mother Nature gets upset look out! Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Floods, Landslides, Fires, Typhoons, you never know what she will do!


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