
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Food Box Delivery in Ha'atafu

For Christmas gifts to ourselves and our family, we decided to give food boxes to the poorest of the poor. I will post several deliveries separately so I can better tell the story of the family.

The first family is the Paki family in Ha'atafu. Sister Paki is a widow with  5 children. Her husband went out fishing with a neighbor. The boat capsized and her husband drowned. The children are 12, 8, 5, and 4.

There home is 2 rooms, which are divided off by fabric. The living area is about 10 x 8 feet, which includes the sleeping area on the other side of the fabric. The kitchen is outside. Cooking over fire and preparation and washing with a board and bucket.

Children sharing lunch and washing clothes
When we arrived the children were eating lunch outside. They were sharing a boiled manioke and a fish. Manioke is like a sweet potato.

One of the young boys was washing clothes...stirring them with a stick in a bucket of water and soap - see picture.

The home is made of corrugated steel and sheets of odds and ends of plywood (?). The door is a piece of fabric.

Outhouse is in the back. Shower I believe is buckets poured over their head.

Elder Va'enuko spoke in Tongan. He and Sister Va'enuko already know the family from other work they have done for them and visiting. He told the family that we bring them food, not so they will join our church, but because the Savior has asked us to serve the needy. We are trying to do as He has treat everyone as we want to be treated, and to help those in need.

Elder Thomson leaving the house. 

Elder Va'enuku exiting the house. Outhouse is to the left.

Sister Paki thanked us so much. She had tears in her eyes as she told how this food will be their Christmas dinner. We had included canned tuna, mackerel, corned beef (which Tongans love), rice, pasta, apple-peach juice, cookies, Mandarin oranges, apples, pineapple, watermelon, two pineapple pies which Sister Va'enuko had baked, cereal, milk, toilet paper, etc.

We left feeling the love this family has for each other, and knowing the Savior loves them. They are happy.  It leaves us wondering what more can we do. We will be coming back throughout the year.

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