
Monday, May 13, 2019

Exercise in the Park


Tonga is fighting diabetes and other noncommunicable disease. One of the key areas that increases the risk of NCD is lack of physical exercise. Ministry of Health is promoting good health including encouraging physical activity.

Health Promotion built a footpath along the waterfront to encourage walking and aerobic exercise, and have installed four outdoor exercise stations, 2 west of the Palace and 2 east of the Palace.

Health Promotions asked LDS Charities to fund stations in the new park at Popua.

Popua is an impoverished area of Tongatapu. Many people there do not have transportation to go somewhere else for exercise, as such Popua is a good choice for installation of the outdoor exercise equipment.

These stations will provide a place for wholesome activities for the impoverished youth of Popua; it will help them build strong bodies and combat obesity and diabetes.
The stations were completed last Thursday. Monday we went to the park after work to find three boys working out. Left to right, they are Sau Kitesurfing, Tali Teu, and Ika Foilole.

Ika told me he has been working out morning and afternoon each day starting last Friday. He has been telling his friends about the new exercise stations and many are beginning to come and use the equipment.

Atele College

A second exercise station was placed at Atele College. Many competitions are held at this location so this station will have much use.



“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will involve the patient in the proper use of food, fresh air, and exercise.”                     Thomas Edison

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