
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Tuiasoa Feeding Lunch to Ha'alalo GPS Students

Bishop Latu Timote Tuiasoa of Ha'alalo Tongatapu has for a long time thought about the
Government  Primary School of Ha.alalo where he went to school as a child and he now lives across the street from the school.

At lunch time, many children go home to no parents at home - father working in the plantation, mothers doing  tapa cloth and weaving mats to earn money for the family.

Bishop Tuiasoa is from a family of 12 children, 5 boys and 7 girls; he is the second to the oldest. All his brothers and sisters live in the US except the Bishop and his oldest sister. Bishop Tuiasoa and his wife have 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls. They also have 47 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.

Last year, the Tuiasoas had a Family Reunion in Tonga. Most of his brothers and sisters came as well as his children. He suggested to them the idea of feeding the primary school once a month. Some of them were willing to send donations to start the project.

Bishop called us and asked us to help. On the 21 Feb 2019 we came to help launch the project.

Lunch consisting of chicken, hot dogs, hard-boiled eggs, rice, and orange drink were served.

The Principal of the school appreciated the Bishop and his family and ward members for the helping  hands.

I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I have never yet felt a twinge of regret
For being a little too kind.   

                  President Thomas S. Monson in General Conference Oct 2016

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