
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Christmas Day in Tonga 2018

Christmas morning we had presents to open! Dan and Tammy had brought us a few things...white shirts for Elder Thomson, a couple tops for Sister Thomson, Book of Mormon Journal Edition, Bundaberg, red pencils, and other necessary things for our mission.
Heiner, Murdoch, Sister Evans, Palmer, Thomsons

At 9:30, the senior missionaries packed into the van and headed to the beach! Bucket List Item. We had not gone to the beach last year, and it was a Christmas must before we went back to Canada. 

In Tonga, people do not wear swimsuits. They swim in their clothes. So yes, we are dressed for snorkeling.

We were happy to see clown fish this morning. I love seeing them swim in and out of the anemone.

Huni had invited us to his family Christmas gathering at 1. So we had to clean up quickly and go to Veitongo. Huni said it was an honor to have us and his brother Talasiu and his wife Kati with them for Christmas. Of course, we felt it was an honor for us to be there! 
Sister Huni, Penga, JJ, Paula, Loueni, Taina, Mana, Latu

We sang Christmas songs, in English and Tongan. Monte even brought the guitar, which the kids loved ... as well as Talasiu. He played a bit for us too. The kids loved singing, and wanted more more more. 

Mana entertained us with a traditional Tongan dance. She really did a good job. We love the dancing and costuming. Mana also danced at the wedding we attended when Dan and Tammy visited. She has agreed to come to our Family Home Evening next time we are in charge. We will try to get Penga and Latu to sing then too, but Hunis will be in Papau New Guinea so we will miss them.

Then it was time to EAT...Tongan style. Vili took his favorite part of the pig -- and ate the brains YUCK!

I, on the other, got LOBSTER dinner for the second birthday in a row!

Lobster, potato salad, clams, yams, pork skin, pork, lu, and kumala hawaii (purple sweet potato). Best Christmas dinner in Tonga.

This is our family! We love the Hunis. The kids jump and romp with Elder Thomson, and much more gentle with Sister Thomson. All the grownups are special to us. They all are so giving to others and are always helping their neighbors and friends. There is much to be learned from this family. They truly live the gospel of Jesus Christ. They emulate Him. They follow His instructions given in the parable of the Good Samaritan to "Go and do likewise."

This is Christmas. It is the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He did live on this earth. He taught the people as recorded in the Bible. He healed the sick and performed many miracles. Most importantly, Jesus Christ took upon Himself our sins that through His atonement we can be deemed free of sin and able to return to live with our families with Heavenly Father and Jesus. He is our Savior. We love Him. We pray that you will always remember Him and follow Him.

Matthew 1:21  And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.

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