
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Baptism - Tevita Finau

We have been visiting and bringing food to Tevita and his father Kristiani since November 3. They live in a broken-down bus near Lavengatonga (see prior post). The bus has large windows and from inside you get a gorgeous unobstructed view of the ocean. Nonetheless, it is a broken-down bus. Kristiani is a hardworker. He mows the whole property with a hand mower; it always looks nice when we stop in. They have planted root crops and other vegetables. They eat from the sea. Once when we stopped they were eating chicken dinner -- they had trapped and cooked it.

Tevita Finau, age 11 years
We have grown pretty close to these 2. They kept saying Tevita was going to get baptized when mom came to visit. But the time she was coming kept being pushed back. We were concerned she was not really going to come. Well, Tevita's mom (Kristiani's wife) came over from New Zealand this past week! And he has been finishing up the missionary discussions.

Tuesday about 2, we got a phone call that Tevita was being baptized at 7 o'clock. We said we would be there. We tried calling Huni all afternoon, but he was not answering. Finally at 5:30, he answered. He was working on his farm and had left the phone in the car. He said he was going home and would get ready. We left our house at 6 and picked him and Sister Huni up along the way.

Once at the chapel, we met Tevita's mother, Sara. She kept thanking us for all we have done for Tevita and Kristiani. She kept saying they always talk about us. She told us how happy she was we could come to the baptism...really? did she think we would miss it? Not a chance! Tevita gave me a hug and Kristiani shook hands. Once Tevita was in his white tupeno, we had him go outside for pictures. He was baptized by Elder Leakehe from Tooele, Utah.

Elder Thomson was asked to talk at the baptism, as well as Huni. Elder Thomson based his talk on the sacrament prayers. Huni said it was exactly what they needed to hear. Tevita was all smiles. I am so happy for him to have joined the fold of our Savior Jesus Christ. His confirmation will be Sunday, and we will be there. While eating light snacks (ha ha, Tongan full-meal deal - chicken, lu, yams, cooked bananas), Kristiani told us he will start the missionary discussions himself on Sunday!

The worth of souls is great in the sight of God     D&C18:10

1 comment:

  1. It is always a joy to read about a child of God entering onto the narrow path that can lead back to their father in heaven. Thank you for sharing the experience.


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