
Friday, November 2, 2018

Popua GPS

The PTA President of Popua GPS came to our office a few weeks ago asking for help at their government primary school.We went to the school to assess the needs. The school is in much need of painting. School furniture is needed. Some children sit on the floor during classes; they do not have desks or chairs. These students sit on mats on the floor.

The teachers also need new chairs. We saw several which look ready to fall to the floor. This one at the right was leaning against the wall, and looked like it would crumble when someone sat on it. We brought the teachers rolling hydraulic chairs.
World Service Day was coming up. Havelu LDS Middle School elected to paint Popua GPS as their service project this year. In the past they have usually cleaned up the neighborhood around Havelu Middle School. They wanted to do a bigger more meaningful project this year, and it was elected to paint the school in Popua. The students worked really hard Friday morning. Members of Tonga Stake completed the painting on Saturday. What a difference a little paint makes!

Monday LDS Charities brought 32 desks and chairs for class 5, and 9 small tables with 54 little chairs for class 1 and 2 classrooms. It was these young children who had mostly been sitting on the floor. These furnishing will provide a much more comfortable learning environment for these little ones.

Of course, class 6 boys were eager to help unload the truck!

We popped in on Tuesday and found the children at lunch recess. When they saw us, they clamored to their rooms and sat on their new chairs at the pretty orange tables. There are 27 students in each of the class 1 and 2 rooms.

They gave us 5 and sang a couple songs of gratitude...."Thank you, thank you" and also "Jesus loves Me."

They said "We are so happy for chairs!"

At the handover ceremony, a brother and sister danced. The children learn the traditional Tongan dancing young. We always are amazed at the talents the students show at these handover ceremonies.

The grade 5 class read a poem they wrote of thankfulness. 

All the children sang several songs.

And of course there were talks by the Deputy Minister of Education, the school principal, and Elder and Sister Thomson.

We know there are more needs for desks and chairs. We will keep our eyes open and hopefully earmark some more for this school with our next delivery in 2019.

Popua is an area of much poverty. There are homes made of corrugated roofing, others made with what types of wood they can find to nail together to provide some shelter. We are very happy to help this village. The children are so fun to be around. They are happy. They say they love school. I hope they always will.

Every day of our lives we are given opportunities to show love and kindness to those around us. 
 President Thomas S. Monson                                                                                                       


  1. Great job! We delivered many wheelchairs to Popua and saw the extreme poverty.
    Keep up the great work!!

  2. Thanks for keeping up your blog. We have really enjoyed it!


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