
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Fatai GPS

We received a letter for needed work at Fatai GPS where 150 students, 86 boys and 64 girls, attend school from the surrounding villages of Fatai, Lapeka, Nukunuku, and Matafonua. When we visited, we saw much need for this school. Walls need repair. Flooring, windows, and doors need replacing. The students were in need of desks and chairs. 

In talking with the principal Lopiseni Kilioni, we were told the most URGENT need is to  improve the toilet facilities. There was only one working toilet for the 86 boys. There were 3 working toilets (although leaking) on the girls' side, one totally not working, and the girls had to wade through water to get to the toilet. There were no doors on any of the stalls which faced outward --- NO privacy. There was no sink for washing hands.

From this .............


    With Much Work ...

Keni Kau "helping" the plumbers
To This ..............

We knew this school needed help and we went to work. We partnered with the plumbing program at Tonga Institute of Science and Technology. Talanoa Hafoka, principal, discsussed with Siuta, plumbing teacher; they agreed to do the work as practicum for the students. TIST students installed all the toilets and sinks in a few days.

We think this will be a lasting partnership, with TIST supplying labor in completing our projects.

We love the blue doors ... now there is privacy. Stake President Hikila made the doors and installed them for us.

The boys have been cleaning the facilities. This is a group we saw one day. When they saw us, they had to pause for a photo.

Another concern was the leaking roof in one room. LDS Charities purchased roofing tin and the carpentry students at TIST fixed it. 

We looked through our warehouse for furniture and selected desks and chairs, file cabinets, and teacher chairs and brought them to Fatai.

Students had been playing out front. When they saw us pull up, their eyes were as BIG as saucers and they all had HUGE smiles, as was the principals. They literally danced across the field. They had not expected this.

Boys climbed in the truck and were eager to unload. Lopiseni and Elder Thomson directed traffic. I stood out of the way. I am better at taking pictures than staying out of the way of the kids with their arms full.

Once the desks and chairs were in the classrooms, the class 5 students sat down, and Lopiseni led the students in singing songs to show their appreciation.

We thanked them for their songs and for their help in unloading the furniture.

We told them to study hard and learn to love learning.

                   Fill your mind with truth. Fill your heart with love. Fill your life with service.        
                                                               Thomas S. Monson

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