
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Veitongo Water Tower

Don't underestimate the power of the wind! This steel water tower was twisted and crumpled by Cyclone Gita on February 12, 2018.

There were 3 towers in Veitongo, the other 2 tanks were blown off and destroyed. The villagers had to fill water containers at the church building or buy bottled water. We felt it was imperative for this tower to be rebuilt. We wrote in our Cyclone Gita Recovery Project. The town wanted to build a cement tower. Veitongo town officer and water committee submitted plans and cost quotes. They came in too high.

Lisiate Huni and contractor from Australia go over plans with Elder Thomson

The town decided they would do the labor, which brought the cost down. The labor ended up being donated by a Veitongo man who lives in Australia. He came with his men to build the tower. Many Tongans living abroad helped with donations of money and labor to help rebuild the Kingdom.

                 And The Work Began


This tower will not blow over. The tank will be tied down and should be filled with water with news of an impending cyclone so that it will be more apt to stay in place.

Isaiah 12:3: With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

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