
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Tokomololo Chicken Project

Keleni Mounga
The morning of March 17, 2018, Keleni Mounga knocked on our door. "I have heard a lot about your chicken projects. How can I be part of it?" We explained to Keleni that we work with groups. We told her we would love to help her start a group in Tokomololo. She said she would get some women together in her community and come back to talk to us.

That was the beginning of the chicken project in Tokomololo. It has blossomed. The beginning was 9 women. They added 3 more this week. Not only have they added more people but they have grown in understanding. They meet regularly. They improve their coops in new ways like we have not seen in other groups. They share their thoughts for improvements with each member and work together as a team.

We met this cute little boy when we visited last week.

We love the children who often greet us and make us laugh and smile.

This little guy was shy at first, ducked into the house, but when we left he was at the front door waving.

Watering improvement

The ladies surprised us when we came to one coop. They waited anxiously as they steered us in the right direction. When we turned the corner, we saw these CHICKENS DRESSED FOR THE PARTY! 


Fela Tuakoi, granddaughter of Sister Vei, Tokomololo group

Keleni and her friends also see the importance of home gardens. They want their families to be healthy. The gardens have been planted and they are harvesting. They sent us home with lettuce and bok choy. 

Last week, they gave us star fruit, which we used in our smoothies ... delicious. 

This group is going and growing and improving. 

Elder Thomson loves the chicken project and gardening. He sees how it improves the lives and health of the people. Elder Thomson is a hard worker and his enthusiasm for these 2 projects is contagious. The ladies listen closely to his thoughts and encouragements. He is a great missionary companion!

Keleni's newest idea is for a better way to cook outdoors. Monte is looking into finding a cheap way to make a rocket stove. The people here cannot afford fancy rocket stove. They need simple easy and effective way to cook. Keleni says buying gas for cooking is expensive, "there must be another way." I am anxious to see where this goes.

The prophet said to plant a garden, so that's what we'll do.
For God has given rich brown soil, the rain and sunshine too.
And if we plant the seeds just right and tend them carefully,
Before we know, good things will grow to feed our family.
LDS Children's Hymnbook page 237

1 comment:

  1. I love that these ladies are so proactive. It looks like they are being blessed.


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