
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Navutoka GPS now meeting in LDS Chapel

Navutoka GPS was severely damaged in Cyclone Gita. The roof of the school was peeled back during the storm and contents in the building destroyed. Two months later Cyclone Keni pushed the roof back but not in proper place. 

Classes have continued at Navutoka GPS -- some in the classrooms, some on the veranda outside the classrooms. When it rains, classes are canceled and students are sent home.

A solution was sought to have the students housed at the LDS Chapel in Navutoka. The school needed approval from the Noble for the area, Stake President, Elder 'Aisake Tukuafu Area Seventy in Tonga, Pacific Area Presidency in New Zealand, and authorities in Salt Lake. Finally after 6 months, the final go was given. 

Brother Faka'osilea Kaufusi, who works with us in humanitarian, lives in Navutoka. He was instrumental in getting approvals needed for this move.

One stipulation was that the old style desks common in Tonga (as seen in photo above right) could not be taken to the chapel. It was thought they would damage the floors. The principal and teachers were worried what they would use for desks. Kaufusi quietly scoured our Furniture for Schools deliveries and saved desks and chairs for the Navutoka move. But he did not say a word. Finally a couple days before move-in day, he told the principal and teachers. Relief showed on their faces. Now all was in place for the move.

Move-in day was August 23, 6 months after Cyclone Gita. As we drove past Navutoka GPS, the children waved and shouted. They knew we were coming, and they could not hold their excitement back. Soon, students and teachers walked up to the chapel to help with unloading. The boys are always eager to jump in the truck and haul the school furniture into the building. They just need a little supervision and the job gets done quickly.

There is much joy in Navutoka with the children now in a safe environment with new desks and chairs! 
There is no greater joy in life than being anxiously engaged in the service of the Lord.                            elder m. russell ballard                     

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story of how the Church stepped up and helped a school continue to teach by offering a building. Thank you for seeing this need and doing everything to see that it happened. It makes us proud to be members of His Church and to have had the opportunity to know you even if it was for only a week at the MTC.


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