
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hala'Olive Fua'amotu Kindy

Teacher Sharon Tongi

We met Sharon Tongi at the Haveluliku Chicken Project. When we were inspecting the coops, she told us she ran a preschool and needed tables and chairs, books and bookshelves. Shortly after, a container arrived with chairs and bookcases. We found some appropriate books for the preschool and delivered them.

The children quickly latched onto the colorful books. They may not be able to read yet but they certainly can enjoy the pictures. They are learning the letters, animals in English and their sounds, and songs in English and Tongan. Before we left, the children gathered the books and put them neatly on the new shelves.

At the door, the children sang to us to show their appreciation. We love to hear the sweet voices of the children, and to see their enthusiasm for learning!

Matthew 14:17   Jesus said, Suffer little children ... to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

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