
Friday, July 6, 2018

Takuilau College School Furniture Delivery

We made several trips to Lapaha GPS (government primary school) to take school furniture. On the first trip, I noticed a school nearby that was severely damaged by Cyclone Gita. I felt we should stop, but we went on our way and said we would stop later. The next trip to Lapaha I again had the same impression, but again we drove on by. The third trip to Lapaha GPS to take a drawer we had not included for a desk, I told Monte we needed to stop now - the Holy Ghost is speaking to me. We stopped.
We found out the name of the school is Takuilau College. It is run by the Catholic Church. This school suffered 80-100% damage from Cyclone Gita. Most of the buildings lost their roofs. The contents were damaged not only from the falling debris but also from the heavy rain that accompanied the hurricane. Sister Sina, Deputy Principal, showed us around the school. We determined there was much need.

Most of the classrooms have limited school desks and chairs. What remains are old benches to sit on and taller benches for desks. This is not unusual for Tonga, but at Takuilau there are only enough of these desks and benches for maybe one-third of the students. Most textbooks were destroyed by the rain. The library was hit hard. The school salvaged what books they thought could be saved (but even those were in poor condition) and put them in a classroom, but nearly all the library shelving was crushed.

The home economics building is in poor condition. The stove does not work, nor the refrigerator. Falling roof and breaking walls fell on cabinets too. This room needs much. The industrial arts building was destroyed in a fire a month earlier so it too is in need.

But school goes on. In fact while we were visiting, the students in the band were practicing for the opening of parliament the next week. Such sweet music filled the air.

We told Sister Sina that we could not provide all their needs but we have some desks and chairs we could bring and we have library shelving. We received a shipment last week that contained metal shelving from a college library in New Zealand. The Lord knew the need was here in Tonga and those shelves were sent here rather than to another island. We also received some textbooks for home economics, English, math, and science in that shipment. This is a good place for those to go.

We arranged for the truck later that week and returned with 75 desks and chairs. The elders from Popua and Maufanga helpled us to load the truck at the warehouse. I wish they could have gone to the school to deliver it too, but it is out of their area. They will be getting cookies though later this week.

 The boys at Takuilau helped to unload the truck. It was quite a fun atmosphere when the furniture arrived. We may have more desks and chairs with a future shipment that we can mark for this deserving school.

The principal was at the school when we made the delivery. His face beamed with happiness with our LDS Charities donation. We told him we did not have room for the library shelving so we would have to come back. He called 4 boys to go back with us to Maufanga and help us load the rest. They jumped in the back of the truck ride about a 45-minute drive. It was so good to have them to help. The shelving is awkward and is not easy to carry and put in the truck. We could not have done it alone. 

While the guys were loading the shelving, I picked out some textbooks and sports equipment. We had just received some cricket equipment, rugby balls, soccer balls, volleyballs, and basketballs. The boys said they knew how to play cricket, and of course every Tongan boy can play rugby! The girls will enjoy soccer and volleyball.

The boys faces beamed with excitement when they saw the balls!

“We need so much help," said Sister Sina. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are angels!"  We were so thrilled to be able to help this needy school. LDS Charities provides aid without regard to religion. We work as the Savior did as evidenced in the parable The Good Samaritan. All are children of our Heavenly Father.

                            True happiness comes only by making others happy.  David O McKay

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