
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Nukunuku Free Wesleyan Primary School Delivery

Great fun was had today when we delivered school furniture, balls, and hula hoops to Nukunuku FWPS.

Principal Vincent Tupou said “I told my teachers you were coming with school furniture and they said ‘you are an answer to prayers.’ We are one of many schools in Tonga. We are a very poor school. We have been praying for help and you came. You are angels. Now the students who have been sitting on the floor will have chairs and desks."

Remember the first time you tried your luck at hula hoop? We laughed as we watched these girls learn to keep the hoops go round and round. On the first try, the hoops went straight to the ground. I showed them to wiggle their hips. Several students succeeded! Smiles were aplenty – laughing at their attempts and laughing at their successes.

The boys ran for the balls. Many groups played soccer and rugby. All the boys know both sports.

Sister Thomson even got to play.

At the handover ceremony, Sister Thomson told the students we hope this school furniture will help make your learning easier.

She told the students they are young but they will one day be big. She told the children to dream of what they want to be. They can be a teacher, a farmer, a doctor, a banker, a rugby player. Do not let anyone tell you you can’t live your dream. Work hard on your studies so your dreams can come true.
                                      Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.

1 comment:

  1. You brought so much joy to those kids! And after talking to you I can hear and see how much joy it brought you as well. Service is always a double blessing.


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