
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mate Ma'a Tonga


The past several weeks, Tonga has been buzzing with excitement as the pride of this small country towards it national pastime builds as victory after victory after victory pile up to bring it to a fever pitch.  The air on the island is simply electric as this tiny island in the Pacific puts down some of the Rugby giants of the world to advance!  

Pride over money was the main theme as several players (Tongans) qualified to play for two countries in the tournament (their choice). As I understand it, five players (Tongans by blood) chose to play for Tonga instead of a tier 1 team (NZ or Australia). The significance is that they could have made $50,000 playing for a tier 1 team, instead of the $30 per day they get playing for Tonga. Tonga, Samoa and Fiji are considered tier 2 teams, and no tier 2 had ever won a game over a tier 1 team in World Cup Rugby (which started in 1985) .

Tonga won their match 2 weeks ago with Samoa 32-18 in their round 1 match of the Rugby League World Cup tournament. They moved on to meet New Zealand last week and defeated them 28-22 in an exciting match in Hamilton, New Zealand. New Zealand had not lost a major rugby league tournament held in  the Southern hemisphere.

The win over New Zealand led to pandemonium here in Tonga. EVERYBODY was out in the streets dancing and running around or driving around in their cars packed with people (inside and out - yes people on top of their cars), displaying Tongan flags, hooting and hollering, blaring music, and honking horns. They kept this up until the wee hours of the morning. People were not destructive, just celebrating this momentous occasion for Tonga. 

Next up was Lebanon who Tonga beat 24-22.

This week, RED was worn everywhere (Sister Thomson in red Mate Ma'a Tonga shirt or red skirt, Elder Thomson with his red tie). Buildings were draped in red. Cars were flying the national flag. Everyone was excited for this team.

Sadly, Tonga lost in the semifinals to England on Saturday night. They fell behind 20 - 0 and the match was basically considered over but in the last 5 minutes Tonga came storming back to trail by only 2 points at 20 - 18.  Tonga then scored on the final play of the game which would have given them the win but it was disallowed by a perceived knock-on (an infraction) which replay review would have overturned (in my opinion) but instant replay review was not used and time ran out.  The replay is used frequently on scoring plays so it's mystery to me why it was not used in the case.   

What great heart the Tongan team showed. The country of Tonga and anyone with any kind of tie to  Tonga is so proud of these men who gave their all.  Mate Ma'a Tonga!  


  1. How exciting and what fun to be part of the excitement!

  2. Rugby and Football (soccer) are big sports in most of the world and the US is starting to catch up. We found it interesting that in Indonesia the major international sport was ping-pong! Thanks for sharing the excitement of the win!


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