
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Food Box Delivery in Foloha and Tatakamotonga


Kadyee and Pesi live in Foloha. They have 4 children ages 12, 6, 3, and a baby. When Brother and Sister Huni were on a mission about a year ago, they met this family after a bishop had told them about the family. Pesi had hair to his shoulders and a long beard. The Hunis taught them the gospel and Kadyee and the children started going to church and were baptized. A little later, Pesi told Huni he was ready to go to church. Huni told him to cut his hair and shave ... he did! The next Sunday the whole family was in church.

They live in basically a shack. (I left my camera at home and do not have pictures.) It is even smaller than the ones on the previous posts. Brother Huni has a friend who brings groups from the States to build houses. He has promised to build a house for this family this coming summer.


Meile Sele's wife died 3 weeks ago. He has 5 teenagers and a grown daughter who lives in the house with her baby. Meile is building a home out of concrete blocks. It is mostly done. The bishop and a counselor and the Young Woman president met us at the house. Brother Huni talked to Meile and the family about the eternal nature of families. They will see their mother again and can live together eternally.

Meile talked (Sister Huni translated for me). He said he is so thankful for the food, and turned to us and thanked us personally for it. He is holding the family together, they love one another and are helping each other through this time.

I talked with one teenager daughter before we left. She speaks good English. She said it is hard right now with the passing of their mother, but they are a strong family. She is doing a lot of the cooking. They are eating good. They are working together to help dad finish the home.

Families are very strong in Tonga. It is part of the Tongan culture. Children honor their parents.

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