The principal, Sapaloni Folau, of the Methodist Primary School invited us to come the Friday after renovations for the devotional and to take pictures of the students. These children are so well behaved. They filed in rows to the room for the devotional. No acting out during the devotional. They sang and listened to the vice principal give a message from the Bible.
Then it was Sister Thomson's turn to talk. I talked about the Savior wanting us to be kind to one another and to treat each other as we would want to be treated. Children often pick on other children. The Savior would want us to all be friends with one another. I gave an example from one of my boys growing up and being assigned to do a group project with a boy who was picked on. Through this assignment, the boys became friends. I challenged the students at the Methodist School to do the same. If there is a student in their school who others make fun of, go and make a friend of this student. Everyone will benefit and the school will be a happy place for everyone.
What a wonderful way to let your light shine.