
Monday, September 25, 2017

Houma Water Project

Houma Water Project

There are two pumps at the Houma Project, one diesel (above) and a solar pump as well. This projects serves 500 families in the village of Houma. Before the project, not all homes in the village had water to their homes. Now they do. There are many needs around the islands for clean water .. in all the island groups including Tongatapu, Ha'apai, and Vava'u. We are waiting for parts to come in for the next project in Ha'alafuli, Vava'u. Then that project will be installed. There is another in the works now for Ha'apai. We are just beginning to work on a project to provide a new water tank in Koloua, which is near where we live in Liahona. It is a great thing to bring clean water to people's homes.

The second day here in Tonga, we had to take a cold shower! (Someone had turned the switch outside our little home off) We thought that was bad. I cannot even imagine not having running water in my home. 

Timota Eteaki, Elder Thomson, Leo Hoponoa, Lee Hardy, Zach Robinson, Hans Sorenson

                                                                                           Leo Hoponoa

And of course EVERTHING involves food. The town administrators and water people brought us lunch and set up this table for us.

1 comment:

  1. Food!!! How sweet of them to set up lunch so nicely for you.


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'Eua Houma Water

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