
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

'Eua Houma Water

'Eua is the only island in Tonga that has a river which runs through Mountain Vaiangina.The village of Houma receives its water from this river. 

Stake President Lamisï Makitoni Ma'u approached us with helping the village of Houma to get water. This is a village of about 300. There only source of water at this time is rain catchment. They currently have to take bottles and other containers to a neighboring village to obtain water.

Houma in the past has obtained water running through a cave and pumped up and over the mountain by a diesel pump. This pump has failed.  Houma also has been receiving water through a solar system. This system does not appear to be powerful enough to lift the water over the mountain to reach Houma. Our project will be to find a way to get adequate water to the village.

President Ma'u, the town officer, and the water man drove us to the area of the water source. They then took us on a hike down the mountain to the water sites.

At the first site was the cave where the water comes out of the mountain. The nonworking diesel pump is located here. It is very old.

President Ma'u
Elder Thomson recording measurements of the pump

There is a second pump house between the cave and the solar panels, but the pump here is also not working. The water from the solar system is now pumped directly over the mountain.

We then hiked to the area where the solar panels are located. The pump to power the solar panels is about 200 feet down at a second creek before it reaches the ocean. The power from this pump is barely enough for a trickle to reach the village. 

President Ma'u pointed below where the creek reaches the ocean far below the cliff. 

The view here is amazing. A short ways wet is the Tonga Trench, the second deepest ocean in the world. 

The project we proposed is to get another bank of solar panels to there will be enough power to get the water over the mountain to Houma. Daniel from PAO and Elder Thomson went on another fact-finding visit to 'Eua. President Ma'u and the water man again showed them around the area. Daniel is working up a proposal and submitting costs to us. Unfortunately, we came home before this project was completed.

Nukunuku Water

Nukunuku is the largest village on the western side of Tongatapu. The water systems are separated on the two sides of the village. The eastern part of Nukunuku is not getting adequate water, and there is much growth in this area.

We met with the town officer/water manager, _____________ at the solar water site and diesel pump sites to discuss the issues.There is a bank of solar panels that do not work. This seems to be the main issue. We told ___________ we will contact the people we work with for water projects.

On the way home from our meeting, we decided to first call PAO to talk with Daniel who we use most for solar systems. A few days later, we took Daniel to Nukunuku where we all met with ____________.

Daniel found that the solar system was not hooked up properly. Later in the week, he was able return to the site and fix the problem, without charge to us.

Happy solution for Nukunuku!

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.                  Anne Frank

Neiafu Water Project

The people of Neiafu have been without adequate water for a very long time. This problem is much worse when school is in session as there are seven high schools (including Saineha LDS School) and the large primary GPS school that do not have the water they need. The church buildings (including LDS chapels) in the area rely on community water supply which is what we are trying to improve. Families who receive water from this system have been without water for extended periods (ie. 2 months) and have had to bring in water from outside the community.

Neiafu water system has 15 boreholes and of these 6 are not working and 9 are working. Water problems/shortages have existed since 1981. The 9 working pumps do not provide enough water for the needs of the community. This is especially true during the school year when the students and their families from the various islands live in Neiafu. 

We propose providing three (3) AC electric pump sets for Neiafu, Vava'u, Tonga. The Neiafu Water Committee's contribution to the project will be 15% of the Tonga Water Board quote plus installation of a fence around the area and a shelter over the pumps to protect them from the weather. The pumps will be sustained by a monthly fee charged to the users to be used for maintenance and future repair.

We had difficulty getting this project moving. Two holes were dug, pumps installed and put into operation. Then, the borehole digger broke and had to be repaired --- no small task in Tonga. Parts come from New Zealand or Australia.

We visited Neiafu again on March 24, 2019 and found the parts have arrived and the borehole digger is working. However, there is a typhoid outbreak in Leimatu’a so the work there has priority. Tonga Water Board assured us they would then move on to drill the remaining Neiafu borehole and finish our project.

Project was finally completed in November 2019. Neiafu is very excited to finally have adequate water for their needs.

Your struggles don't define you but they shape the person you become when you face them and overcome.

'Eua Houma Water

'Eua is the only island in Tonga that has a river which runs through Mountain Vaiangina.The village of Houma receives its water from thi...